Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Making Good Ethical Investments through Companies like Emerald Knight

Ethical Investments through Companies like Emerald Knight

To gain brownie points within professed socially responsible circles these days, all you have to do is cram the word ‘sustainable’ into your conversation as much as possible. It’s a word that has gained widespread use, especially among politicians and business leaders who want to prove that they are using their resources in an ethical manner. What was once viewed as the radical green minority is now regarded as mainstream, with its reach becoming increasingly wider. Ethical investing is among the tangible results of the positive worldwide headway made by the green movement. As a concept, ethical investing is relatively novel. The process began when a new crop of concerned investors decided to avoid investing in companies that produce a negative impact on society. Such businesses include weapons manufacturers and tobacco companies. Recently, ethical investors have expanded their interests into sustainable industries with positive ecological impact. These initiatives, which include timber plantations, wind farms, and waste management projects, can be accessed through investment companies such as Emerald Knight.

Timber investments

As trees grow in stature, they also grow in value. Such is the case with this type of investment—returns are driven by biological growth. This means timber investments continually retain their value, even as other assets crash. While timber investments used to be limited to institutional investors, there are now, thankfully, many opportunities for other types of investors to participate in this type of investment.

Wind farms

Wind energy is one of the best sources of renewable energy for electric power generation worldwide. It presents one of the most attractive investment opportunities because of the proven technology and competitive costs involved. Experts predict that wind—together with biofuels and solar energy—will constitute the technologies in which virtually every significant country in the world will be investing over the next decade

Waste management

Waste management has been a longtime favorite of investors everywhere. Although waste management company stocks experienced a decline during the global recession, volume trends have improved starting 2010 with the onset of economic recovery. Outlook for the future is even better. Of course, there are several other types of ethical investments to consider. You may contact investment companies like Emerald Knight to learn about options in various areas. Such first-rate companies will be able to demonstrate an excellent level of investment knowledge and a verifiable track record.

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